
CLCs on the frontline: Animal Law Institute

March 19, 2021

CLCs on the frontline: Animal Law Institute

Community lawyers are responding to a COVID surge in demand for pets with an innovative legal clinic designed to seek justice against dodgy breeders.

Media release: Big spending on prison beds won't help women

March 19, 2021

Media release: Big spending on prison beds won't help women

Community legal centres and women’s advocates have labelled nearly $190 million dollars for more prison beds as misguided in light of figures revealing fewer women being incarcerated and evidence pointing to early intervention and redirection programs as better options for the community.

Mental health report paves way for better community support

March 02, 2021

Mental health report paves way for better community support

The Federation of Community Legal Centres has welcomed the State Government’s commitment to better responding to mental health issues following the release of the report of findings from the Mental Health Royal Commission.

CLCs on the frontline: Brimbank Melton CLC

March 02, 2021

CLCs on the frontline: Brimbank Melton CLC

An outer-suburban community legal centre has responded to local need by extending its services to new areas through co-location and partnerships. They are showing the vital role local CLCs play in our community.

CLCs on the frontline: Peninsula CLC

February 23, 2021

CLCs on the frontline: Peninsula CLC

One Victorian community legal centre is hitting the streets with the unusual combination of lawyers and coffee to increase access to legal advice for locals.


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