
The Federation turns 40

October 12, 2023

The Federation turns 40

On 12 October 2023, the Federation of Community Legal Centres turned 40. Originally the Legal Centres Working Group, the Federation was established to bring together representatives from Victorian Community Legal Centres to work on joint issues. Today, the Federation represents the 4,000+ staff and volunteers at Victoria’s 47 Community Legal Centres, and is the peak body behind a powerful movement for social change.  

A statement on the Voice to Parliament from the Federation of Community Legal Centres

September 01, 2023

A statement on the Voice to Parliament from the Federation of Community Legal Centres

The Federation of Community Legal Centres (Federation) is the peak body for Victoria’s 47 Community Legal Centres.

One of the roles of Community Legal Centres is to educate and inform the communities we are part of about rights, responsibilities and the ways our laws operate.


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