Pride in Community Law

The community legal sector is proud to have a strong history advocating for and with LGBTIQ+ communities in Australia.

We are collectively committed to providing safe, inclusive and free legal services in Victoria. 

Midsumma Pride March

In February 2020, the community legal sector in Victoria came together to march in the 25th annual Midsumma Pride March. 

Led by the LGBTIQ Legal Service and Fitzroy Legal Service, lawyers and legal staff marched together under the banner Pride in Community Law. 

It was a fantastic day, with lawyers proudly marching as allies, members of the LGBTIQ community, and in solidarity.  

Pride in Community Law shirts were also created for the event, pictured here.

If you missed out on a shirt and would still like to purchase one, please get in touch. We have a limited number available. 


LGBTIQ Inclusive Practice Toolkit

The LGBTIQ Legal Service has launched their website, aimed at clients and legal professionals. You can find the site here.

The team has also created an LGBTIQ Inclusive Practice Toolkit  for community lawyers, legal support staff, management and those working in HR roles.


Community Legal Centres Australia (CLCA) National LGBTIQ+ Network

The CLCA National LGBTIQ+ Network is made up of community lawyers from across the country who are dedicated to ensuring that the sector is safe and inclusive for diverse staff, clients and visitors. 

The network provides feedback on policy and law reform issues relevant to LGBTIQ+ communities, provides support to the sector in this space, and discusses and takes action on relevant issues. 

The national network meets quarterly via teleconference, and annually at the CLCA conference. 

Interested in joining? 

Get in touch with Sam Elkin from LGBTIQ Legal Service to join the network: [email protected] 


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