Community Legal Centres, or CLCs, are independent community organisations that provide free legal services to those who need it. CLCs enable a strong collective voice for justice and equality. Find out more.
Community Legal Centres across Victoria provide free legal advice to people experiencing disadvantage. Find a Community Legal Centre.
On this page, you can find recent and past submissions, reports and statements from the Federation of Community Legal Centres. Learn more.
Learn more about our Integrated Practice Toolkit and other resources.
The Federation leads and supports excellence in the community legal sector, promotes the purpose and value of Community Legal Centres, and advances social justice and a fair legal system.
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Today, National Cabinet announced $3.9 billion in funding for legal assistance over five years, including an uplift for pay parity for the community legal sector. This equates to an additional $800 million to legal assistance over a five-year period when compared to the previous five years. The investment will be shared across four providers of legal assistance (Community Legal Centres, Legal Aid Commissions, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services and Family Violence Prevention Legal Services), and it is not yet clear what fraction of the total will be received by Community Legal Centres.
The Victorian Legislative Council passed the Youth Justice Bill last Thursday in a late night sitting, with a number of amendments. The Bill will return to the Legislative Assembly in two weeks, where it is expected to pass without further amendments.
The Federation welcomes the Youth Justice Bill as a step in the right direction towards a youth justice system that is fair. However, we note that several areas of concern remain. We will continue to work with government to create positive change for children and young people who come into contact with the criminal legal system.
Tomorrow, representatives from 160 Community Legal Centres will launch a national campaign at Australian Parliament House to call on the Federal Government to save the frontline legal services that support around 180,000 people each year.
There are Community Legal Centres across Victoria. Click to find your nearest Victorian Community Legal Centre.