Community legal centres make sure all Victorians get a fair go

What is a community legal centre?

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Community legal centres provide free, quality legal information, advice, representation, casework and education. We focus on working with people who are experiencing disadvantage, such as financial hardship, family violence, homelessness or discrimination. We use what we learn from the experiences of the people we work with to advocate for changes to laws and policies to make Victoria a fairer place for everyone.

There are 49 community legal centres in Victoria, with a workforce of more than 4,000 staff and volunteers. We are part of a network of more than 170 community legal centres across Australia.

Last year, community legal centres provided more than 100,000 legal services for Victorians. A further half a million Victorians accessed self-help tools available on our websites to understand their rights and responsibilities and to help them find solutions to their legal issues.

Community legal centres are community-driven and led, which means that we adapt and respond to the needs of our communities. This makes every community legal centre different and uniquely placed to support people locally.

Recognising that issues in people’s lives are intersecting and rarely have only a legal component, community lawyers are often integrated with other social and community service providers. You will find community lawyers embedded in places like hospitals, schools, financial counselling services and maternal and child health centres.

We also focus on providing legal education in our communities, to help Victorians understand their rights and responsibilities, and on advocating for changes to laws to make Victoria fairer, based on what we learn from the experiences of the people we assist.

You can read more about who community legal centres are and what they do here.


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