August 13, 2019 | Rosanna Di Grazia
Statement of support: Victorian Birth Certificate Reforms
Whenever we apply for a job, study, travel, or even for a bank account, we all need ID, like a birth certificate, to reflect who we are. For those of us that are trans or gender diverse this can be incredibly difficult, or impossible, because of Victoria’s outdated birth certificate laws.
The Victorian Government is introducing new laws to Parliament to make it easier for trans and gender diverse people to update their birth certificates to reflect who they are.
As the peak body for Victoria’s community legal centres, we support the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2019; because it will improve the lives of trans and gender diverse Victorians.
We stand with the trans and gender diverse community and support this long-overdue change.
A birth certificate is the first document a person has – it says who you are, and where you belong. We’re proud to support this reform.
For over 40 years community legal centres have been the heart of a powerful movement for social change, reshaping how people access justice, creating stronger more equitable laws, and more accountable government and democracy.
Community legal centres pledge our support for these important birth certificate reforms and ask the Members of the Parliament of Victoria to work together to improve the lives of trans and gender diverse Victorians.