Data Standards Project

Take a look at the Victorian CLC Data Entry Guide here. 

The Federation is dedicated to supporting community legal centres to capture quality, valuable data.

We know that capturing the right data can support the community legal sector identify systemic issues, tailor services according to trends, and build the case for change.

It can also support centres to collaborate closely with non-legal community services, and to design and deliver campaigns and informed policy positions.

Our members deliver over 10,000 services per month to over 5,000 people in Victoria.

Community legal centres need data that is easily accessible, that is trustworthy, and meaningful.

In 2019, we put together a Victorian Data Entry guide – a quick reference guide to entering data to support our members.

The guide helps our members create an accurate data resource to support decision-making, measure the impact we have on communities, and inform advocacy.

Combined with tailored training, the guide has begun to significantly improve the way the sector captures, interacts with, and reports on our services and clients.

Take a look at the guide here. 

The Federation will continue to build capacity and knowledge in 2020, and provide members with the best possible resources to capture, report on and analyse data, ensuring that we are meeting the legal needs of our communities. 

This year, our main priorities will include: 

1. Increasing the value we obtain from our data through greater usage across the sector, and improved resources to support our reporting. 

2. Advocating for data infrastructure improvements for the sector, with the goal of better automation and support to decrease admin time and improve data quality.

If you have any queries or want to discuss managing data at your CLC, contact the Federation

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