The Federation convenes the Disaster and Climate Justice Working Group, which provides ongoing support to Victorian Community Legal Centres engaged in disaster response and climate justice initiatives.
The Disaster and Climate Justice Working Group recognises that:
- Realisation of social justice depends upon healthy eco-systems
- First Nations traditional owners’ and communities’ voices must be prioritised in climate justice, as sovereignty was never ceded
- Fundamental injustices within our economic, social and political systems are compounded by disasters, extreme weather and climate change impacts.
The Disaster and Climate Justice Working Group aims to:
- Provide a shared exchange for community legal centres that respond to climate change and disasters
- Provide updates to community legal centres on developments, trends, issues and challenges
- Identify needs and gaps in accessing justice in areas of disaster response and climate justice
- Facilitate linkages to other services and groups, and refer to relevant resources
- Advocate and secure resources to support and strengthen member and sector capacity
- Advise the Federation of Community Legal Centres as a partner of Disaster Legal Help Victoria
- Further adapt responses for community legal centres and inform the progress of the Climate Justice Legal Project
- Inform the policy, advocacy and law reform agenda of the sector in climate justice, disaster response and community resilience
- Build connections and relationships between community legal centres.
If you work in the community legal sector and would like to join the Disaster and Climate Justice Working Group please reach out to [email protected] and they will assist you.