June 24, 2019 | Rosanna Di Grazia
The Parliament is examining the operation firearms prohibition orders in Victoria.
The Legislative Council’s Legal and Social Issues Committee is examining the operation and effectiveness of current firearms prohibition orders, particularly when it comes to reducing the incidence of illicit or illegally possessed firearms in Victoria.
Under the inquiry’s terms of reference, the Committee will be considering the Firearms Amendment Act 2018 and ways to further strengthen its effectiveness.
“Community safety is a crucial issue for all of us and through this inquiry we want to ensure that existing firearms legislation is as effective as it can be in reducing illicit or illegally possessed firearms,” said Committee Chair Fiona Patten.
“A particular focus will be illicit black-market handguns and long-arms possessed by criminal organisations,” Ms Patten said.
Emerging technologies, such as 3D printing, and their impact on firearms possession will also be considered.
The Committee is inviting written submissions from people and organisations with information and expertise in relation to the legislation and how it is operating.
“We need to ensure that our laws keep up to date with developments that could impact on their effectiveness in dealing with criminality in our community,” Ms Patten said.
“We need to stay ahead of the game in combating criminal activity. Through this public inquiry we can collect the evidence we need to make appropriate recommendations on keeping illegal firearms off our streets and out of our neighbourhoods.”
Written submissions are welcome until 15 November 2019, with public hearings to be held later this year.
Information on making a submission is available from the Committee’s website.