Bibliography of desk-top research
Abramowicz, L. (2008), Clinics at the Crossroads: The Future for Community Legal Clinics in Ontario, in Speech at Southwest Regional Training: April 11, 1-11.
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Ernst & Young (2016), South Australia Community Legal Centres Service Review Project, 1-98.
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Ganley, Lorraine, and Annabella S. Gloster. "An overview of triage in the emergency department." Nursing Standard 26, no. 12 (2011): 49-58.
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Government of Victoria (2016d), Access to Justice Review: Volume 2 Report and Recommendations, 289-504.
Hart, C. (2011), Sustainable Regional Legal Practice: The Importance of Alliances and the Use of Innovative Information Technology by Legal Practices in Regional, Rural and Remote Queensland, Deakin Law Review, 16(1), 225-263.
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Leong, R., Hearnden, J., Phillips, E., Farrell, J., & Donaghey, C. (2014), Access All Areas: Specialist Services Accessibility Project, Queensland Advocacy Incorporated, 1-88.
McDonald, H.M. & Wei, Z. (2016), How People Solve Legal Problems: Level of Disadvantage and Legal Capability, Justice Issues, Law and Justice Foundation of NSW, 23(1), 1-14.
National Association of Community Legal Centres (2008a), Review of the Commonwealth Community Legal Services Program, 1-172.
National Association of Community Legal Centres (2008b), Why Community Legal Centres are Good Value, 1-8.
National Association of Community Legal Centres (2016), National Census of Community Legal Centres: 2015 National Report, 1-107.
Noone, M.A. (1997), Mid-Life Crisis – Australian Community Legal Centres, Alternative Law Journal, 22(1), 25-29.
Noone, M.A. & Digney, K. (2010), "It's hard to Open Up to Strangers": Improving Access to Justice: The Key Features of an Integrated Legal Services Delivery Model, Rights and Justice Program, La Trobe University, 1-276.
Noone, M.A. (2001), The activist origins of Australian community legal centres, Law in Context: A Socio-Legal Journal, 19(1), 128-137.
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Pleasence, P., Coumarelos, C., Forell, S., & McDonald, H.M. (2014), Reshaping legal assistance services: building on the evidence base: a discussion paper. Law and Justice Foundation of NSW, Sydney, 1-194.
Productivity Commission (2014a). Access to Justice Arrangements: Overview, Inquiry Report No. 72, Canberra, 1-73.
Productivity Commission (2014b). Access to Justice Arrangements: Volume 2, Inquiry Report No. 72, Canberra, 601-968.
Purcell, T. (1972), Legal Needs in Today's Society: Implications of Recent Legal Aid Trends in the United States, Canada and Britain, NSW Law Foundation, 1-109.
Queensland Association of Independent Legal Services (2013), Collaboration and Partnerships Statement, 1-3.
Queensland Association of Independent Legal Services (2015), Meeting the training and development needs of workers in legal assistance services, 1-62.
Rich, N. (2009), Reclaiming Community Legal Centres: Maximising our potential so we can help our clients realise theirs, Victoria Law Foundation Community Legal Centre Fellowship 2007-2008, 1-127.
Sackville, R. (1975), Poverty Enquiry Recommendations, Legal Service Bulletin, 180-182.
Scott, S. and Sage, C. (2001). Gateways to the law: an exploratory study of how non-profit agencies assist clients with legal problems. Law and Justice Foundation of NSW.
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Victoria Law Foundation (2015), Lawyering for change: seven principles of strategic legal practice for community legal centres, CLC Fellowship Report 2015, 1-64.
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