CLCs feature in Law Week 2020

May 18, 2020 |

This week is Law Week 2020, both its 40th anniversary and the first held completely online due to COVID-19 health restrictions.

The positive side of that is that all the events, resources and action is accessible wherever you are.

2020 has bought the biggest transformation in decades to the way we function as a community, as well as the way we interact with the law.

This year’s events demonstrate the adaptive and responsive nature of Australia's legal sector - and underlines the critical importance of community legal centres in times of great challenges and change.

Law Week is highlighting 16 Victorian community legal centres/programs:

Several CLCs will also be sharing their expertise on COVID-19 this year:

Other COVID-19 highlights include a panel discussion with the Energy and Water, Victorian, Telecommunications and Insurance and Financial Complaints Authority Ombudsmen on Helping Victorians Get Fair Outcomes; and Shared Parental Care During COVID-19 presented by Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners Annabelle Mendoza, Jann Thredgold and Michelle Dobbie of the Family Relationship Centre.

The program includes presentations on Small Business, Family Law, Employment, Wills and estates, Property and a range of other topics.

Although we won’t be in the same physical space this year, we look forward to experiencing all that Law Week 2020 has on offer alongside our CLC and sector peers.

To access and book into sessions and presentations, make your way to the Law Week 2020 website here and the full Law Week program here.

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