June 24, 2019
Mate vs Mate, State Vs State
Think you are smarter than the staff at Queensland Community Legal Centres? Put your knowledge to the test at the Community Legal Centres Queensland Trivia Night.
READ MOREJune 24, 2019
Jobseekers Inquiry Seeks Your Input
The Parliament of Victoria is investigating sustainable employment for disadvantaged jobseekers.
READ MOREJune 24, 2019
Effectiveness of Firearms Protections Being Investigated
The Parliament is examining the operation firearms prohibition orders in Victoria.
READ MOREJune 24, 2019
The Voices of Our People
Jack is a client of Inner Melbourne Legal Centre and he moved into his community housing apartment when it opened in 2010 as a 21 year old.
June 19, 2019
Fairer Birth Certificates for Trans and Intersex People
Trans, gender diverse and intersex Victorians wanting to alter the sex recorded on their birth certificate will no longer need to undergo gender affirmation surgery.